Hit Counter class Counter { private string sCounterPage; private string sCounter; private int iCounter; public Counter(string sPath) { sCounterPage=sPath; }public int ReadFile() { StreamReader bjStreamReader; bjStreamReader=(sCounterPage); sCounter=(); iCounter=(int)(sCounter); iCounter +=1; | Hit Counter and Visitor Online of Hit Counter class Counter private string sCounterPage private string sCounter private int iCounter public Counter string sPath sCounterPage sPath public int ReadFile StreamReader obj StreamReader obj StreamReader F ext sCounterPage sCounter obj oEnd iCounter int sCounter iCounter 1 obj StreamReader. Close Return iCounter public void WriteFile StreamWrite objStreamWrite objStreamWrite sCounterPage obj StreamW rite o String Visitor Online Sub Application_OnStart Object sender EventArgs e Application VistorOnline 0 Sub Sessioin_OnStart Object sender EventArgs e Session. T imeOut . Application VisitorOnline Application 1 Sub Session_OnEnd Object sender EventArgs e Application VisitorOnline Application - 1