Các phần tử SELECT (còn được gọi là danh sách) cho phép bạn để hiển thị một danh sách cố định của sự lựa chọn mà từ đó người dùng phải chọn một phần tử. Các sản phẩm được chọn sẽ không được gửi như được hiển thị nhưng sẽ được gửi như là giá trị của nó. | Chapter 5 ----Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http The SELECT element also known as list allows you to display a fixed list of choices from which the user has to choose an element. The item selected won t be sent as displayed but will be sent as its value. In this example the value and its display are identical but in a database-driven system you would probably see record IDs as the values and their text label as list choices. A good example is a product number and its name. When using lists be sure to set the value part of the OPTION items. If these are not set the list looks the same but is totally useless because all choices will send the same null value. One Form Multiple Processing Forms always react in a predefined way based on how you code your processing script to handle the data that the user sends to the system. A single form can have more than one defined action by using different submit buttons. 144 Form Elements Letting the User Work with Data Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http Try It Out Radio Button Multiline List Boxes In the following example you create a form that prepares a search and creates a movie actor director interface. 1. Create a text file named and open it in your text editor. Then type the following code html head title Add Search Entry title style type text css TD color 353535 font-family verdana TH color FFFFFF font-family verdana background-color 336699 style head body form action method post table border 0 cellspacing 1 cellpadding 3 bgcolor 353535 align center tr td bgcolor FFFFFF width 50 Name td td bgcolor FFFFFF width 50 input type text name Name td tr tr td bgcolor FFFFFF What you are looking for td td bgcolor FFFFFF select name MovieType option value selected Select a movie type. option option value Action Action option option value Drama Drama option option value Comedy Comedy option option value Sci-Fi .