và phiên bản Chưa đăng ký - Hợp nhất và chia StringBuffer urlBuf. Trong thực tế, lớp này không đi xa đủ về composability của các truy vấn khác nhau và kiểm tra bổ sung kết hợp tham số. Thật không may, bạn sẽ thấy, hầu hết sự linh hoạt này sẽ được loại bỏ tại cảng J2ME | 220 Item 25 Request Invoke n - http iimpo PDF Merge and SptiHJ rjregistered Versioi Controller Servlet Response Java Server Page Pass data Business Logic JavaBean tnteractwith other systemsas necessary to handle business logic Business Enterprise Figure Model 2 Architecture. JSP Development in the Model 2 Architecture Figure shows the Model 2 Architecture. This architecture is a JSP servlet implementation of the popular and powerful Model-View-Controller pattern. Included is the controller which is a servlet that responds to a request and dispatches it to the appropriate businesslogiccomponent. TheJavaBeanwrapsthebusiness logic that needs to be executed tohandle therequest. the the bean hands offto a Javaserver Page tvftóh_ronưolsrhaỉ resM tatK neỄ toMdé ths rnsprnsn . It seems liSea dnearidna butis itsealistietsexpectWne applicatianstrhuild Cite entire rnfrastthsindhnssqecadl aanridering ghe hibSoryoe sdhochVbr tarsk pp nh The good thing le ahar you don t haveto build thie Irneaatouctenr. ghe Aqacie Scflwars Foundation fldkarta prajsct hnsarathrt rdi laaqciteiOhSlt lrh elt hon si she Mahdia Architecture caltedege Struts ftnesswork Chttp slculst. Item 25 when Servlet HttpSessmns tColl du Picture this scenario. A user is on the Internet shopping at Stockman s Online Hardware Store where there is an electronic commerce user interface with shopping cart functionality. Ashe b rowses the Website he decid estoppt a beltsander a drillpress and an air compressor in his shopping cart. Instead of checking out what he has put in his shopping erst qeddddestlwt a neitrrbhqshmetqingrathiswiee roedi tae pain when sheniecevers hiohardwatdpuocharrh Hegugcklygaerta Lire binaerie Online whouutheyrisa haveane-cammeoee_OctetfechoThrre debhilds cshaphien cart consisting ofi Senrurl Bubair Bath theRontantic LunorBdxPacksht fot Twa and the cheeks art a- lhclmgeciusidre sathts diecrentt card information and leaves the .