và mạng lưới giao diện. • phân phối kiến trúc hệ thống và lớp dịch vụ. Lớp này đại diện của người thiết kế và xem hệ thống quản lý của hệ thống. SAS lớp định nghĩa cấu trúc và kiến trúc và dịch vụ hệ thống (hệ thống tập tin phân phối, | 30 MESSAGE-PASSING TOOLS different perspectives primitives performance and applications performance. All experiments were conducted over two different computing platforms SUN workstations running Solaris and IBM workstations running AIX interconnected by an ATM network and Ethernet. In all measurements we used the ACS version implemented over the socket interface. For the PVM benchmarking we used the PVM direct mode where the direct TCP connection is made between two endpoints. The MPICH 28 was used to evaluate the performance of MPI. Experimental Environment The current ACS has been implemented and tested at the HPDC laboratory and Sun workstation clusters at Syracuse University. The HPDC laboratory has been constructed to provide cutting-edge communication system testing environments and to encourage faculties and students to research and develop noble technologies in high-performance and distributed computing and highspeed communication system research fields. The HPDC laboratory is configured with an IBM 8260 ATM switch 32 and an IBM 8285 workgroup ATM switch 33 . The IBM 8260 ATM switch offers twelve 155-Mbps multiple ATM connections to Sun workstations and PCs via UNI 6 and classical IP over ATM standards 36 . The IBM 8285 ATM concentrator is connected to IBM 8260 ATM switch and provides twelve 25-Mbps ATM connections to PCs. The current configuration of the HPDC laboratory is shown in Figure . There are several Sun workstation clusters in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University. They are located in different rooms floors and buildings and are connected via 10-Mbps Ethernet Figure . Most of the machines are Sun Ultra 5 workstations some are Sun SPARCs some are Sun SPARC classic and there are some Sun Ultra 4 workstations. With both the HPDC laboratory and the Sun workstation clusters we measured the performance of ACS p4 PVM and MPI in terms of their primitives and applications. We present and