Mười hai dẫn điện tâm đồ trong quá trình kích thích tâm thất được lập trình: hai nhịp đập đầu tiên ở xoang nhịp điệu cho thấy một điện áp thấp QRS phức tạp dẫn thiết bị ngoại vi và đảo ngược làn sóng T dẫn phải precordial. Sau khi một ổ đĩa trong năm nhịp tâm thất nhịp độ, ba extrastimuli gây ra nhịp tim nhanh thất duy trì với một mô hình LBBB | EDUCATIONIN HEART 98 A B Figure . A 24 year old man affected by ARVC complicated by severe ventricular arrhythmias with a recent family history of sudden death. A Twelve lead ECG during programmed ventricular stimulation the first two beats at sinUs rhythm show a loW voltage QRS complex in the peripheral leads and T wave inversion in right precordial leads. After a drive of five paced ventricular beats three extrastimuli induce a sustained ventricular tachycardia with an LBBB pattern and a cycle length of 250 ms which was promptly interrupted by DC shock caused by the rapid haemodynamic deterioration. Serial antiarrhythmic drug testing including sotalol failed to identify any effective drug. B Chest radiography 60 left anterior oblique of the same patient after implantation of a transvenous prophylactic automatic cardioverter defibrillator. Besides the atrial lead a and the double coil ventricular lead b for cardioversion a third lead c was screwed onto the mid septum to assure a reliable sensing and pacing function. death. The progressive nature of the underlying disease which predisposes to the occurrence of new arrhythmogenic foci over time may explain this discrepancy between acute and long term follow up success rates. In this regard recurring VTs usually show a QRS morphology other than that previously ablated. Therefore catheter ablation should be reserved for particular clinical conditions such as drug refractory incessant VT or frequent recurrences of VT after de brillator implantation. Haemodynamically stable and well tolerated VT which is not inducible or is not suppressed by electrophysiologic study directed pharmacologic treatment may represent a further indication in the presence of very localised cardiomyopathic changes and a still preserved right ventricular function. Implantable cardioverter defibrillator The ICD is the most effective safeguard against arrhythmic sudden death. However its precise role in changing the natural history of ARVC by

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