hoặc một LDR hoặc kết cấu HDR tập tin được sử dụng để tạo ra một chương trình chiếu sáng tương tự như một mái vòm ánh sáng. Chương trình này đều đèn cảnh và tạo ra bóng tối tự nhiên mềm mại trên các yếu tố quản trị doanh nghiệp. Sử dụng một màu duy nhất trên sự cháy đỏ của hình cầu tạo ra một onecolor đơn giản | 164 chapter 6 Hair Systems Figure Draw six evenly spaced joints along the curve. Figure The IK Spline Handle Tool option box with the right settings 4. Select the right_hip joint and in the Display menu choose Hide Hide Selection or press the hotkey Ctrl H. This just gets the joint out of our way. You can always easily unhide it through the Outliner. 5. Select the Joint tool and holding down the C key snap to curve click six times on the curve starting from the hip area toward the knee area. The joints should be evenly spaced and look similar to Figure . You might have to try this a few times until you get the joints fairly evenly placed. Just make sure you keep snapping to the curve. 6. In the Outliner select the curve created earlier and in the Hair menu choose Make Selected Curves Dynamic. 7. Choose Hair Display Current Position. This just simplifies the view so that we don t have to see the Start Position Curve as well as the Current Position Curve as the default. 8. In the Skeleton menu found in the Animation menu set open the IK Spline Handle Tool option window. Set Root on Curve to Off Auto Create Root Axis to Off Auto Parent Curve to Off Snap Curve to Root to Off and Auto Create Curve to Off. Figure shows the option box with the proper settings. 9. With the IK Spline Handle tool selected click the starting joint of the new hierarchy created earlier click the last joint and finally click the curve. This creates a Spline IK control with the top joint at the hip as the root and the knee as the end. It also sets the six-CV curve we created earlier as the driving curve for the Spline IK Handle. 10. Select the starting joint of the new hierarchy created earlier Shift select the right_pelvis joint and press P to parent the new joint hierarchy to the old one as shown in Figure . 11. In the Display menu choose Show Show Last Hidden. You can also select that hidden hip joint from step 4 in the Outliner and choose Show Show Selected instead. .