Những lợi ích xã hội từ sự tham gia tập thể dục và phục hồi chức năng tim là một kết quả thuận lợi. Nghiên cứu thêm là cần thiết để đánh giá tác động của phục hồi chức năng tim điều chỉnh xã hội và functioning | Physical activity and exercise training improves social adjustment and functioning and is therefore recommended in the care of cardiac patients. The social benefits from participation in exercise and cardiac rehabilitation are a favorable result. More research is needed to evaluate the impact of cardiac rehabilitation on social adjustment and Body weight Thirty-four studies - 11 RCTs seven non-randomized studies and 16 observational studies - provide evidence that exercise training alone has inconsistent effects on controlling excess body weight and is not recommended as a sole intervention for this risk factor. Optimal management of overweight patients requires multifactorial intervention including intensive nutritional education counseling and behavioral modification as an adjunct to exercise training. The panel6 concluded that after a review of behavioral therapy literature involving obese patients state of the art weight loss programs were shown to be successful. Results of a metaanalysis of 70 studies indicated that weight reduction through dieting can also help normalize plasma lipids and lipoprotein levels in overweight It is essential to note that the comprehensive use of exercise education counseling and behavioral interventions as a multifactorial approach has consistently yielded much stronger evidence in terms of health outcomes than exercise programs alone. Pathophysiologic measures Atherosclerosis Nine studies - five RCTs one non-randomized study and three observational studies - provide convincing evidence that exercise training as a sole intervention does not result in regression limitation or progression of angiographically documented coronary atherosclerosis. But regression or limitation in progression of atherosclerosis may occur when exercise training is combined with intense dietary intervention with or without lipid lowering Hemodynamic measurement Five observational studies provide evidence that exercise .