nó sẽ ghi đè nó (thay vì được thêm vào). String, bắt buộc. Giá trị này xác định một chuỗi rất ngắn để hiển thị cho người dùng mô tả hồ sơ cá nhân, chẳng hạn như "VPN Settings" Nó không phải là duy nhất. . String, tùy chọn. Giá trị này xác định những gì mô tả, freeform văn bản sẽ được hiển thị cho người sử dụng trên màn hình | Key Value PayloadCertificateUUID String. The UUID of the certificate to use for the account credentials. Only present if AuthenticationMethod Certificate. Used for Cisco IPSec. PromptForVPNPIN Boolean. Whether to prompt for a PIN when connecting. Used for Cisco IPSec. Wi-Fi Payload The Wi-Fi payload is designated by the PayloadType value. This describes version 0 of the PayloadVersion value. In addition to the settings common to all payload types the payload defines the following keys. Key Value SSID_STR String. SSID of the Wi-Fi network to be used. HIDDEN_NETWORK Boolean. Besides SSID the device uses information such as broadcast type and encryption type to differentiate a network. By default it s assumed that all configured networks are open or broadcast. To specify a hidden network you need to include a boolean for the key HIDDEN_NETWORK EncryptionType String. The possible values for EncryptionType are WEP WPA or Any . WPA corresponds to WPA and WPA2 and applies to both encryption types. Make sure that these values exactly match the capabilities of the network access point. If you re unsure about the encryption type or would prefer that it applies to all encryption types use the value Any . Password String optional. The absence of a password doesn t prevent the network from being added to the list of known networks. The user is eventually prompted to provide the password when connecting to that network. For enterprise networks the EAP Client Configuration Dictionary must be provided. Appendix B Configuration Profile Format 81 EAPCIientConfiguration Dictionary In addition to the standard encryption types it s possible to specify an enterprise profile for a given network via the EAPClientConfiguration key. If present its value is a dictionary with the following keys. Key Value UserName String optional. Unless you know the exact user name this property won t appear in an imported configuration. Users can enter this information when .