Câu lệnh đầu tiên tạo ra một đối tượng của loại ngẫu nhiên trên đống CLR. Một đối tượng ngẫu nhiên có chức năng sẽ tạo ra các giá trị giả ngẫu nhiên. Ở đây bạn sử dụng các NextDouble () chức năng trong vòng lặp, trong đó trả về một giá trị ngẫu nhiên của hai loại nằm giữa và . | Chapter 4 How It Works You first create an array that stores 50 values of type double array double A samples gcnew array double 50 the array variable samples must be a tracking handle because CLR arrays are created on the garbage-collected heap. You populate the array with pseudo-random values of type double with the following statements RandomA generator gcnew Random for int i 0 i samples- Length i samples i generator- NextDouble The first statement creates an object of type Random on the CLR heap. A Random object has functions that will generate pseudo-random values. Here you use the NextDouble function in the loop which returns a random value of type double that lies between and . By multiplying this by you get a value between and . The for loop stores a random value in each element of the samples array. A Random object also has a Next function that returns a random non-negative value of type int. If you supply an integer argument when you call the Next function it will return a random non-negative integer less than the argument value. You can also supply two integer arguments that represent the minimum and maximum values for the random integer to be returned. The next loop outputs the contents of the array five elements to a line Console WriteLine L The array contains the following values for int i 0 i samples- Length i Console Write L 0 10 F2 samples i if i 1 5 0 Console WriteLine Within the loop you write the value each element with a field width of 10 and 2 decimal places. Specifying the field width ensures the values align in columns. You also write a newline character to the output whenever the expression i 1 5 is zero which is after every fifth element value so you get five to a line in the output. Finally you figure out what the maximum element value is double max 0 for each double sample in samples if max sample max sample This uses a for each loop just to show that you can. The loop compares max with each element value in .