Các hình ảnh với hiệu ứng rollover được thể hiện trong hình 27,1 (CP 41) cung cấp một lựa chọn thiết kế tuyệt vời và giao diện người dùng trực quan, nhưng những hình ảnh mất nhiều thời gian để tải hơn so với văn bản và sẽ không được hiển thị cho tất cả mọi người. | TECHNIQUE ADDING STYLE TO YOUR PAGE WITH A FIXED TILING BACKGROUND 34 CP 47 CP 48 NOTE For this technique use the files in the Technique 34 folder on the CD-ROM. A good Web designer knows that sometimes a solid color background just doesn t cut it see Figure CP 47 . For those times a seamless tiling background does the trick adding an element of style and personality to an otherwise bland Web page as shown in Figure CP 48 . STEP 1 CREATE THE ELEMENTS FOR THE TILING BACKGROUND IN FIREWORKS In Fireworks choose File New to create a new document at 300 by 800 pixels. Alternately you can browse the CD-ROM to find the file called which is already done for you. 157 158 Chapter 7 Image Tricks That Make You Look Good Use any combination of drawing tools to draw various shapes until you are satisfied with the design or pattern. Keep in mind that the final size of the tiling background image used as an example will be 190 pixels wide by 420 pixels high though you can make your tiling backgrounds any size. Choose Modify Symbol Convert to Symbol. In the Symbol Properties dialog box select Graphic and click OK. STEP 2 CREATE THE TILING BACKGROUND Position your symbol at X 0 and Y 0 using the Property inspector. Select your symbol and choose Edit Clone to make a new layer with a copy of the symbol. Select this clone and type X 190 and Y 0. Click the symbol at the 0 0 position to select it. Holding the Shift key click the clone next to it. With both items selected choose Edit Clone to create a copy of each one. Make sure these two new copies are selected and move them down to a Y-position of 420 by using the Property inspector. Use the Crop tool to crop this image down to 190 x 420 pixels see Figure . You can tweak the width and height of the crop marquee by typing in exact pixel measurements in the Property inspector see Figure . When you are satisfied with your tiling background you can export the image by choosing File Export. 34-3