chọn án tự động (khi học sinh giảm xuống bất kỳ yếu tố), hoặc bạn có thể có sự tương tác được đánh giá bởi một sự kiện cụ thể, chẳng hạn như một nút hoặc tương tác thanh trượt (Tổng tab). vị trí và bắt đầu lại từ đầu (tab). | Chapter 13 Slider Interactions 321 After you insert the interaction you can rearrange the layers and text box to the final format. For instance the text box in the HTML Basics example see Figure 13-10 is dragged into a separate layer to display the numeric location of the thumb on the track. It has style characteristics attached from an external Cascading Style Sheet that changes the numbers to blue and enlarges the font. Figure 13-10 Rearrange the interaction s layers in Dreamweaver MX. Figure 13-11 shows a flowchart that diagrams the decisions and actions taken by the Action Manager when processing this slider interaction. 322 Part 11 Test and Activity Figure 13-11 Processing of the slider interaction in the Action Manager Chapter 13 Slider Interactions 323 Creating Custom Sliders Creating custom sliders is a relatively straightforward task. Every custom slider consists of three components all stored in the sliders folder within the images folder The image for the track .gif or .jpg file . The image for the thumb .gif or .jpg file . The thumbnail 100x100-pixel representation of the slider displayed on the General tab in the CourseBuilder Interaction dialog box when you select the custom slider .gif or .jpg file . CourseBuilder sliders fall into two categories Horizontal sliders where the track has a horizontal orientation and the thumb moves from left to right the far left is a value of 0 and the far right is the high end of the range . Vertical sliders where the track has a vertical orientation and the thumb moves from bottom to top the bottom is a value of 0 and the top is the high end of the range . You implicitly specify the orientation for a slider by the naming convention you follow when you deposit your thumb track and thumbnail images into the sliders folder subfolder within the images folder . Table 13-1 lists these conventions which are added to the end of the image name. For example a GIF image named pencil that you want to use as a thumb on a .