Bạn có thể tùy biến một danh sách số hiện hoặc áp dụng các chi tiết kỹ thuật của riêng của bạn sang định dạng số bằng cách sử dụng nút Customize trong đánh số Tùy biến số danh sách Sau đó đóng tất cả các hộp thoại mở. Sau đó nhấn một bài thuyết trình vào một thư mục Exchange | Chapter 9 Building Integrated Documents 233 Moving and resizing linked objects You can move or resize a linked object just as you can move or resize an embedded object. You can also edit it in its source application by double-clicking it with one difference When you double-click an embedded object the menus and toolbars of the originating program are displayed in the destination document s application. Double-clicking a linked object opens the source document in the originating application In the case of the previous example it would open the source document in Excel in a new window. Editing and updating links If you have a lot of linked objects in the same document the easiest way to work with them is to choose Edit Links. This opens a dialog box similar to the one shown in Figure 9-6. Its appearance varies slightly among the various Office applications. Figure 9-6 Edit your links using these controls. The list box includes all the linked objects in the current document in this case only one . Down the right side are additional controls Update Now updates the linked object in the destination document to match the source. Open Source opens the source file in its originating application. Change Source lets you browse your computer for a different source file. Obviously changing source files is likely to completely change the appearance of your current document. You can also use Change Source to find a source file that has been relocated thus repairing the severed link. Break Link turns the linked object into a picture severing its connection with the source file. You can also choose to either automatically update the linked object whenever you open the destination document or whenever the source file changes or you can choose to update the linked object only when you click Update Now. 234 Part II Collaborating and Integrating with Office 2003 Using the Locked and Save picture options Some applications include two additional options in this dialog box Locked and Save