Một hiệu ứng hấp dẫn, bạn có thể sử dụng trong các trò chơi của bạn với sự giúp đỡ của sprites Direct3D: khả năng quy mô ma bởi bất kỳ giá trị từ đến khoảng 8,0. trong khi vẽ thường xuyên xảy ra bên trong các khối BeginScene và EndScene mã. | 260 Chapter 13 Core Technique Drawing Text 3 PrintText fontImg fontSpr 10 180 C_RED _ BI G H U GE F ON T PrintText fontImg fontSpr 10 260 C_PURPLE _ This Is A Smaller Font End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyDown KeyCode As Integer Shift As Integer If KeyCode 27 Then Shutdown End Sub Private Sub Form_Paint ByVal 0 ByVal 0 0 ByVal 0 End Sub Level Up This chapter provided a core technique in the ability to print text on the screen which has been ignored up to this point although displaying status information on the screen in previous sample programs would have been very useful . The ability to display a message on the screen is absolutely crucial so you are likely to find yourself using the code provided in this chapter more than any other. CHARTER 14 Core Technique Collision Detection This chapter explains the core technique of detecting collisions between two sprites in a game. This is a higher-level technique than previous topics you have learned so far which have focused more on the key aspects of just getting something on the screen. Now that you have a complete prototype for the game up and running per Chapter 12 Walking Around in the Game World you can focus on these higher-level things. This chapter shows you how to identify when the player has hit a tile that is impassable such as an ocean square and this technique is refined over the next three chapters when dealing with non-player characters NPCs . Here is a breakdown of the major topics in this chapter Rectangle intersection Writing a reusable collision function Keeping track of bad tiles Checking for tile collisions Revising the scroll data display The CollisionTest program Reacting to Solid Objects Collision detection is an important technique that you should learn. It is an absolute requirement for every game ever made. I can t think of any game that does not need collision detection because it is such an essential aspect of gameplay. .