Thiết lập một giá trị bằng không sẽ gây ra các cookie chỉ được giữ lại cho đến khi Thoát khỏi trình duyệt, vì vậy cookie là không bao giờ thực sự được viết vào đĩa cứng. Các thông tin hết hạn có thể được xác định một cách rõ ràng hoặc tương đối. | 80 CGI TRICKS application x-shockwave-flash swf application x-stuffit sit application xml application zip zip audio 32kadpcm audio basic au snd audio midi mid midi kar audio mpeg mpga mp2 mp3 audio x-aiff aif aiff aifc audio x-pn-realaudio ram rm audio x-pn-realaudio-plugin rpm audio x-realaudio ra audio x-wav wav chemical x-pdb pdb xyz image gif gif image jpeg jpeg jpg jpe image png png image tiff tiff tif message http message news message partial message rfc822 text html html htm text plain asc txt text rtf rtf text sgml sgml sgm text xml xml video mpeg mpeg mpg mpe video quicktime qt mov Note the file-extension column. It is used by Apache to automatically determine the format and send back a suitable HTTP header when a file is requested. Apache and other Web servers do such automatically for all files downloaded through a standard URL. The base format is also significant. A text-based MIME type implies that the information may have different line termination and can be converted on the fly to the local format before being used. For HTML it won t make much difference but for a text file the line termination is important. Base formats like application and image are treated as binary streams and therefore not translated before use. COOPERATING WITH APACHE 81 The script on the CD is for use on sites when you want the user to download a file without giving him or her direct access to it through the Web server. To use the script copy it to your server and then supply the script with the location of the file you want to download. For example you could code the following http cgi-bin filename Note that the file will be downloaded from the Sbasedir directory. The location is set to the current directory in the base script you ll need to change it to the location of the files you want to download. The MIME types are embedded in the script to save you from loading an external file and key on the file extension. If the extension is not .