Quản lý nước ở Nhật Bản đã được thực hiện bởi nông dân thông qua người sử dụng nước ' tổ chức được gọi là đất Cải thiện Quận ("Tochi-kairyou-ku" trong tiếng Nhật), mà là tổ chức nông dân tự huy động các đồng nghiệp của họ trong một khu vực trên cơ sở đất đai Cải thiện Luật. Đất đai huyện Cải thiện quản lý hệ thống thủy lợi / thoát nước riêng của họ, và hoạt động và duy trì cơ sở vật chất của hệ thống của họ với nguồn lực tài chính đến từ thủy lợi phí, phù với các cộng đồng. | The Website of the Vietnam National Commission On Large Dams Water Management by Farmers in Japan KOSO Yukiharu1 Introduction Water Management in Japan has been implemented by farmers through water users organization called Land Improvement District Tochi-kairyou-ku in Japanese which is organized by farmers themselves mobilizing their colleagues in an area on the basis of the Land Improvement Law. Land Improvement Districts manage their own irrigation drainage systems and operate and maintain facilities of their systems with financial resources which come from irrigation fee in line with traditional rural communities governments and so on. Land Improvement Districts also implement an irrigation and or drainage project s to improve develop farmland conditions in their areas obtaining government assistance. Current water management systems in Japan were formed in climate conditions featured by Asia monsoon weather and paddy agriculture in the country with dense population and in historical process of paddy development for expansion of food production for a long time in the past. Here water management by farmers in Japan will be briefly introduced. A legal system on water management and Land Improvement District is presented following background of water management. Then water management by Land Improvement District is presented before challenges. 1. Background 1-1 Outline of Climate Conditions and Agriculture in Japan 1 Climate Conditions Japan is an island country which consists of 4 major islands and other thousands islands ranging in an arc from the northeast to the southwest on the east of the Eurasia continent. Its length is about 3 000 km whose southern and northern end is at about 20 and 45 degrees of the north latitude respectively. Its total area is 378 thousands km2 of which about 74 is mountainous area and 11 and 15 are mountainous terrace and lowland 1 JICA Expert Capacity Development of Participatory Irrigation Management System Vietnamese Institute for