Cửu Long là một trong những thế giới rộng lớn sông: • Xả trung bình: m3 / s • Chiều dài: km • Lưu vực Diện tích: km2 • Hơn 50 triệu cư dân • phong phú trong sinh học & Tài nguyên thiên nhiên | . HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN THE LOWER MEKONG BASIN LMB Dr. Nguyen Duc Lien Senior Consultant MRC Dr. Dao Trong Tu Deputy Secretary General VNMC I. INTRODUCTION - LMB HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL Mekong is one of the world large rivers Average Discharge 15 000 m3 s Length 4 800 km Catchment Area 795 000 km2 Over 50 million inhabitants Rich in Biological Natural Resources Huge Hydropower Potential Over 30 000 MW in LMB 13 000 MW in Lao PDR 13 000 MW on mainstream and remaining in Cambodia Viet Nam and The Mekong Basin Existing Hydropower Projects Thailand . Only 7 developed to date and several projects with over 2 000 MW are under construction and or investigation 23 000 MW in Upper Mekong or Lancang River in Yunnan . About 13 developed and Xiaowan of 4 200 MW is under construction . Hydropower Potential in the Mekong Basin Mainstream 13 000 MW Tributaries 17 900 MW Cambodia 2 200 MW Lao PDR 13 000 MW Thailand 700 MW Viet Nam 2 000 MW TOTAL LMB 30 200 MW Lancang 23 000 MW MRC Mandate in 1995 Agreement COOPERATION ON THE BASIS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION OF WATER AND related RESOURCES Of the MEKONG RIVER BASIN . HYDROPOWER IS INCLUDED. MRC Major Tasks in Hydropower Development at Regional Level COORDINATION BETWEEN THE MEMBER STATES AND OTHER RELEVANT STAKEHOLDERS IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INCLUDING INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS LENDING AGENCIES AND INVESTORS FROM STRATEGIC PLANNING promotion and facilitation to monitoring. MRC Hydropower Studies INVENTORY OF WATER RESOURCES PROJECTS IN 1970s BASINWIDE AND PROJECT STUDIES 2001 HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2005 CONCEPT PAPER ON HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMENT II. ENERGY SITUATION IN GMS MRC COUNTRIES Energy Situation in GMS High Demand and Large Supply Potentials Power Demand Markets Yearly Increase 2 000 MW 2000-10 - 4 000 MW 2010-20 MOUs T-L 3 000 MW Ch-L 630 MW V-L 1 500 MW T-Ch 1 500 MW T-My 15 000