Đã được yêu cầu nhiều về hoàn cảnh kinh tế của Úc có thể ảnh hưởng đến việc làm của các kỹ sư. Thật không may, có không thẳng về phía trước câu trả lời cho câu hỏi như vậy. Trong khi trên một mặt có số liệu thống kê tốt về giá trị ngành công nghiệp gia tăng (GDP ngành công nghiệp), số liệu thống kê đối với nghề kỹ thuật là không đủ mạnh mẽ để hỗ trợ các nghiên cứu về nhu cầu và cung cấp các kỹ sư trong nhiều ngành công nghiệp có sử dụng kỹ sư. Áp dụng. | GROWTH IN AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRY AND THE EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS March 2009 ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA 11 National Circuit Barton ACT 2600 Australia http ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA Australian Industry Growth and Engineers 1. Introduction There have been many inquiries about how Australia s economic circumstances may impact on the employment of engineers. Unfortunately there is no straight forward answer to such questions. While on the one hand there are good statistics on industry value added industry GDP statistics on the engineering profession are not sufficiently robust to support studies of the demand for and supply of engineers in the many industries that employ engineers. Applying a surrogate measure of the demand for engineers engineering construction is also problematic because this data comes out even later than National Accounts data and still conveys messages about circumstances that prevailed last September. As is often the case the only recourse is to assemble statistics that are available so that one has something to underscore the judgments that are necessary. In this paper trends in industry value added over the 8 quarters to December 2008 are examined to establish which industries have been most affected by the downturn in Gross Domestic Product GDP which has featured in public discussion. These are the latest available GDP data with March quarter results becoming available in mid-April. The latest statistics on the aggregate Australian labour force became available in March 2009 but these provide no information on employment by industry. The latest data on employment by industry is for November 2008. Data on the engineering profession is even older and relates to the August 2006 national population census. Clearly drawing inferences from these diverse sources is fraught. However some data is always better than none providing their limitations are observed. At best the statistics in this paper are a crude guide and cannot be used to .