Windows Server 2003 Best Practices for Enterprise Deployments phần 2

Tôi thậm chí không chắc chắn nếu số lượng là cần thiết! Chúng ta có bao giờ muốn để thêm giống như 50 chiếc nhẫn phép thuật hoặc hatchets? Không, tôi không nghĩ như vậy! Bạn có thể nếu bạn muốn, nó không có việc lớn chỉ cần sử dụng một trong các lĩnh vực dữ liệu khác về số lượng. | Simpo PDF Merge and Split tun glisterednVerSion W hdp W Designing the Server Kernel The Server Kernel is designed to deliver all of the services that are common to all servers. The decision to include a component is based on corporate need as well as licensing mode for the component. If your organization owns a corporate license for a server component it should be included in the kernel. If your corporation requires a specific function on all servers the technology supporting it should be included in the kernel. Kernel contents also include the default server configuration. Finalizing the configuration elements of the server and capturing them in an image of the Server Kernel can greatly simplify the deployment process for new servers. This configuration should also include the preparation of the presentation section of the server. Making sure that all new user environments created on the server have immediate access to server management tools and server utilities simplifies the server management process as well. Table 1-1 outlines the suggested content for the Server Kernel. Sublayer Suggested Contents Operating system provides basic system services Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition most versatile edition Service Packs and or hot fixes if applicable Specific drivers video power management printing etc. DLLs Visual Studio DLLs .NET Framework CLR others Open TrueType fonts Networking to apply network standards Unique protocol Server identification host name NetBIOS name machine name Domain membership Startup shutdown logon logoff scripts Routing and remote access tools Storage to standardize the way information is presented Identical physical drives Identical logical disks including the local tree for software and the local tree for data Network tree based on the Distributed File System or DFS Security to standardize access control System owner User profiles and default Group Policies Local NTFS and network access rights and permissions Central

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