xslt cookbook phần 10

Tuy nhiên, chương này là dành riêng để mở rộng hệ thống từ quan điểm của chức năng cần XSLT tốt nhất thực hiện trong một ngôn ngữ khác và từ quan điểm của các ngôn ngữ khác cần XSLT. Mở rộng XSLT là, theo định nghĩa, một cơ sở bên lề của đặc tả kỹ thuật. | node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 1 stack 1 2 2 2 match employee employee node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 1 employee 1 stack 1 2 2 2 3 match employee node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 1 stack 1 2 2 2 reportsTo node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 1 stack 1 2 2 2 HimHer node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 2 stack 1 2 2 2 match employee employee node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 2 employee 1 stack 1 2 2 2 3 match employee node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 2 employee 2 stack 1 2 2 2 3 match employee node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 2 stack 1 2 2 2 reportsTo node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 2 stack 1 2 2 2 HimHer node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 3 stack 1 2 2 2 match employee employee node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 3 employee 1 stack 1 2 2 2 3 match employee node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 3 stack 1 2 2 2 reportsTo node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 employee 3 stack 1 2 2 2 HimHer node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 stack 1 2 2 reportsTo node employee 1 employee 3 employee 2 stack 1 2 2 HimHer node employee 1 employee 3 stack 1 2 reportsTo node employee 1 employee 3 stack 1 2 HimHer node employee 1 stack 1 reportsTo node employee 1 stac k 1 HimHer The modified stylesheet outputs trace messages via the xsl message mechanism. The format for every processed node is as follows node XPath to this node stack call stack of the templates invoked param name parameter name value parameter value more parameters . variable name variable name value variable value more variables . The call stack takes the form of a path with as separator and includes all passed templates. If a template has a name attribute then this name is used. Otherwise the number position of the template appears within the stack. If the current template does not have a name the match attribute is displayed. If a mode attribute is specified its value

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