Một hộp mẫu văn bản được cung cấp ở dưới cùng của trang Tuỳ chọn trình duyệt để bạn có thể fiddle với các cài đặt cho đến khi họ cảm thấy thoải mái cho bạn. Để ban hành bất kỳ thay đổi bạn thực hiện, chỉ cần nhấp vào nút Change. Với sự ngoại lệ của tùy chọn Hiển thị Top Khung hình, | 100 Part I Getting Started with Zope Table 4-9 continued Variable Description previous-sequence-start-number Returns the number starting from 1 of the first item in the previous batch previous-sequence-end-index Returns the index starting from 0 of the last item in the previous batch previous-sequence-end-number Returns the number starting from 1 of the last item in the previous batch previous-sequence-size Returns the size of the previous batch previous-batches A sequence of mapping objects with information about all previous batches each mapping object has these keys batch-start-index batch-end-index and batch-size next-sequence True when the last item in the current batch is displayed and when that item is not the last item in the entire sequence next-sequence-start-index Returns the index starting from 0 of the first item in the next batch next-sequence-start-number Returns the number starting from 1 of the first item in the next batch next-sequence-end-index Returns the index starting from 0 of the last item in the next batch next-sequence-end-number Returns the number starting from 1 of the last item in the next batch next-sequence-size Returns the size of the next batch next-batches A sequence of mapping objects with information about all following batches each mapping object has these keys batch-start-index batch-end-index and batch-size Instead of looking at these variables one or two at a time we are going to go ahead and hit you with whole thing at once. Take a look at the example that follows but don t get too upset we will every part of it in just a minute. dtml-var standard_html_header dtml-in listcustomers size 10 sort name start query_start dtml-if sequence-start H1 Customer List H1 dtml-if previous-sequence P a href dtml-URL dtml-sequence-query query_start dtml-previous- sequence-start-number Previous dtml-var previous-sequence-size a P Chapter 4 Document Template Markup Language 101 dtml-if table tr th Customer th th Phone th th Address th tr .