Với các mẫu thử nghiệm đã đánh dấu, bạn đã sẵn sàng để xác định fuseactions và các mạch cần thiết. Bởi vì đây là một ứng dụng nhỏ, bạn sử dụng chỉ là một mạch duy nhất là biệt hiệu là Người dùng Hình 38-13: Xem màn hình. Không có XFAs là cần thiết trên màn hình này. | 1076 Part IX ColdFusion MX Language Reference IsXMLRoot object XmlChildPos Returns an integer containing the position of the indexed element named the same as childName in xmlelement s XMLChildren array. XmlChildPos xmlelement An XML document object element. childName The name of a child of xmlelement. index The indexth occurrence of childname inside xmlelement. XmlElemNew Returns a new element created inside of xmlobject. After creating the element it must be assigned to a specific position in the document object. XmlElemNew xmlobject The XML document object. childName The name of the new child. Application Notes XmlElemNew creates a new element in a document object but the element does not have a home yet. You must explicitly specify where the new element is in the hierarchy before it is truly part of the document object. XmlFormat Returns a string escaped so that it may be used inside an XML element. Replaces any special characters with their XML-safe equivalents. XmlFormat string XmlNew Returns a new XML document object. XmlNew caseSensitive NO YES If YES CFXML treats tags with different case names as different types of elements. Defaults to NO. XmlParse Returns an XML document object created by parsing the XML inside xmlstring. Chapter 55 Working with Systems Outside ColdFusion 1077 XmlParse xmlString caseSensitive The XML string to parse. NO YES If YES CFXML treats tags with different case names as different types of elements. Defaults to NO. XmlSearch Returns an array containing all the elements inside xmlobject that match xPathString. XmlSearch xmlObject xPathString The XML document object to search. An XPath expression to apply to the document object. XmlTransform Returns a string containing the XML resulting from applying the XSLT inside xslString to either xmlString or xmlobject. An XML String XmlTransform xmlString xslString The XML source document to transform. The XSL stylesheet to apply to the source. An object representing an XML document .