tuy nhiên, chúng được thiết kế để làm cho chắc chắn rằng bạn biết câu trả lời. Thay vì cho phép bạn để lấy được câu trả lời từ các manh mối ẩn bên trong câu hỏi, những câu hỏi thách thức sự hiểu biết của bạn và thu hồi của đối tượng. | Switch File Management 93 Filename Conventions IOS image files are named according to a predefined format. The filenames follow this basic template mmmmm represents the Catalyst switch model for example c3550 corresponds to Catalyst 3550 cat4000 to Catalyst 4000 and c6sup22 to Catalyst 6500 Supervisor II . fffff represents the feature sets included in the image generally i followed by anything denotes an IP feature set s is the IP Plus k denotes a cryptographic feature set Data Encryption Standard DES or 3DES j is the enterprise set p is for service providers and d is the desktop IP IPX AppleTalk DECnet feature set. mm denotes the file format The first letter is m if the image runs in RAM and the second letter is z if the image is Zip compressed. vvvv represents the IOS version in the format the major release vvv is given first and followed by a dash then the maintenance release mmm is given and followed by a period. The build level bbb is given using one or more letters and a number. The first letter denotes the type of build E means an early deployment of features. The next letter is the interim build level where A means the first build and so on. The number following denotes the number of times the interim build has been incrementally released. Therefore means version 12c EA1 or early deployment build A1 the first A build of the 12c code. .bin flags the image file as a binary executable not readable text . Configuration Files The switch configuration is a file containing all the commands needed to configure each switch feature and function. Here are three of the most common configuration files startup-config When a switch first boots up the startup-config file is read parsed and executed. The startup-config is stored in NVRAM actually the nvram file system so it survives power failures. running-config While a switch is running this contains a copy of the current state of every command in use. This file is