Các thông tin trong các báo cáo tóm tắt kết hợp dữ liệu thu thập từ cả hai dịch vụ Web proxy và các bản ghi dịch vụ tường lửa. Đăng nhập cho các dịch vụ phải được cho phép để tạo ra một | This example represents only one of many possible scenarios in which you can deploy the SMTP Message Screener. Other scenarios include having Exchange Server on the ISA server and running the Message Screener on the same machine as the Exchange server. We have found this configuration to be the most reliable and easy to set up. Note that with this configuration inbound mail is limited to the mail domain you configured in the IIS SMTP server and the internal Exchange or other mail server is able to accept SMTP messages destined for all domains. The IIS SMTP server protects your mail server from spammers trying to spam other domains through your server because it drops messages destined for domains outside the ones you configure on the IIS SMTP server. External SMTP messages never arrive at the internal mail server without being handled by the IIS SMTP server. Designing Perimeter Networks A perimeter network is a security zone where all hosts on the network have public IP addresses. ISA Server supports perimeter network configuration by placing the perimeter network segment on a third interface on the ISA server or by placing the perimeter network between two ISA servers. You also have the option of mixing ISA Server with another firewall product in the back-to-back perimeter network configuration. Perimeter networks allow you to publish servers without needing to change your IP addressing scheme or DNS server configuration. Requests into and out of a perimeter network are routed by the ISA server rather than being translated as they are when servers are contained within an internal network. Another advantage of using perimeter networks is that Internet traffic never enters your internal network. All Internet traffic can be segregated by placing all servers that receive requests from the Internet on a perimeter network. This has beneficial security implications. If an intruder is able to break into a server on the perimeter network they do not automatically .