• Mô hình và kiến trúc • Ngoài So sánh • vật lý với mô hình khác • Tóm tắtGiới thiệu về Algorithmics của Hiệp hội dữ liệu trong mục tiêu Nhiều Theo dõCác nguyên tắc và thực hành của hình ảnh và dữ liệu Fusion không gianGiới thiệu | HANDBOOK -OF MULTISENSOR DATA FUSION Kditrd In DAVID L. HALL JAMES LUNAS HANDBOOK OI MULliSENSOR DATA FUSION DAVID L. hALL . JAMES LLINAS . CRC Press Boca Raton London New York Washington . 2001 CRC Press LLC I Introduction to Multisensor Data Fusion 1 Multisensor Data Fusion Daviđ L. Hall and James Llinas Introduction Multisensor Advantages Military Applications Nonmilitary Applications Three Processing Architectures A Data Fusion Process Model Assessment of the State of the Art Additional Information 2 Revisions to the JDL Data Fusion Model Alan N. Steinberg and Christopher L. Bowman Introduction What Is Data Fusion What Isn t Models and Architectures Beyond the Physical Comparison with Other Models Summary 3 Introduction to the Algorithmics of Data Association in Multiple-Target Tracking Jeffrey K. Uhlmann Introduction Ternary Trees Priority kd-Trees Conclusion Acknowledgments 4 The Principles and Practice of Image and Spatial Data Fusion Ed Waltz Introduction Motivations for Combining Image and Spatial Data Defining Image and Spatial Data Fusion Three Classic Levels of Combination for Multisensor Automatic Target Recognition Data Fusion Image Data Fusion for Enhancement of Imagery Data Spatial Data Fusion Applications Summary 5 Data Registration Richard R. Brooks and Lynne Grewe Introduction Registration Problem Review of Existing Research Registration Using Meta-Heuristics Wavelet-Based Registration of Range Images Registration Assistance Preprocessing Conclusion Acknowledgments 6 Data Fusion Automation A Top-Down Perspective Richard Antony Introduction Biologically Motivated Fusion Process Model Fusion Process Model Extensions Observations Acknowledgments 7 Contrasting Approaches to Combine Evidence Joseph W. Carl Introduction Alternative Approaches to Combine Evidence An Example Data Fusion System Contrasts and Conclusion Appendix The Axiomatic Definition of Probability 2001 CRC Press .