Ngoài ra để trừu tượng và đóng gói, một nguyên tắc cơ bản của thiết kế hướng đối tượng là mô đun. Hệ thống phần mềm hiện đại thường bao gồm một số thành phần khác nhau phải tương tác một cách chính xác để cho toàn bộ hệ thống để làm việc đúng. | Modularity In addition to abstraction and encapsulation a fundamental principle of object oriented design is modularity. Modern software systems typically consist of several different components that must interact correctly in order for the entire system to work properly. Keeping these interactions straight requires that these different components be well organized. In object-oriented design this code structuring approach centers around the concept of modularity. Modularity refers to an organizing principle for code in which different components of a software system are divided into separate functional units. Hierarchical Organization The structure imposed by modularity helps to enable software reusability. If software modules are written in an abstract way to solve general problems then modules can be reused when instances of these same general problems arise in other contexts. For example the structural definition of a wall is the same from house to house typically being defined in terms of 2- by 4-inch studs spaced a certain distance apart etc. Thus an organized architect can reuse his or her wall definitions from one house to another. In reusing such a definition some parts may require redefinition for example a wall in a commercial building may be similar to that of a house but the electrical system and stud material might be different. A natural way to organize various structural components of a software package is in a hierarchical fashion which groups similar abstract definitions together in a level-by-level manner that goes from specific to more general as one traverses up the hierarchy. A common use of such hierarchies is in an organizational chart where each link going up can be read as is a as in a ranch is a house is a building. This kind of hierarchy is useful in software design for it groups together common functionality at the most general level and views specialized behavior as an extension of the general one. Figure An example of an is a .