Kịch bản: Excel có thể tiết kiệm một tập hợp các giá trị và thay thế tự động trong một bảng tính để cho phép bạn dự đoán kết quả của một mô hình bảng tính. Bạn có thể tạo và lưu các kịch bản khác nhau trên một bảng tính, và sau đó chuyển sang các kịch bản này để xem kết quả khác nhau. | also cars they are specializations to the class Car. However there are more kinds of cars and that is shown by the constraint incomplete . Figure The formal way of showing how powertypes relate to classes Rumbaugh 1999 . Figure A pragmatic way of showing powertypes. Figure shows a business example in which a powertype is used specifically a generic class diagram for an organizational chart. Individual organizational units can be connected to each other to show the relationships among the units which unit is a subunit to another . For example the Organizational unit Software Inc. is connected to the units Production Sales department and Development which all are subunits to the Software unit. Each Organizational unit is also linked to an Organization type which is a powertype . For example the Organization type Department is connected to the Organizational units Production Sales Department and Development showing that all of these units are departments. Corporation subsidiary division team and group are other examples of organization types. By being linked to a specific powertype object the type of the organizational unit can easily be denoted and new types of organizational units can be added later without having to change the class diagram. Powertypes will be illustrated and used in further examples in Chapter 7 Resource and Rule Patterns. Clan Diũ arn Úfc Ctỉ DriQr m Figure A business example with a powertype. Note that Figure also models a specific organization Software Inc. as an object diagram. An object diagram can be used to show an example of a class diagram. In Figure Software Inc. is organized into three departments Production Sales and Development. The Development department is in turn organized into four teams OOA Team Java Team BM Team and OOD Team. This object diagram shows how powertypes can be used in a simple class diagram. Powertypes also are used to express more complex object diagrams. Note that new types of .