Sự tiến bộ của đội bóng khác nhau, tùy thuộc (trong số những thứ khác) vào chất lượng của các thiết kế kho, chất lượng của kế hoạch thực hiện, sự sẵn có và sự tham gia củaMacro này cho phép người dùng thay đổi các hạn chế đang áp dụng trên một Set Hạn chế, sau đó hiển thị giá trị ràng buộc mới trên một hình thức nút | Opening a R olapXL Report After an appropriate data source has been selected you may open an existing R olapXL Report. To open an existing R olapXL Report Step 1. From the File menu choose Open. -or- Click on the standard Open button on the MS Excel toolbar. Step 2. Use the dialog box to select the existing R olapXL file. -or- Type the appropriate path and file name. Use any of the MS Excel files .xis provided in the Samples folder under the RoiapXL subdirectory. Step 3. Click on the OK button when done. Note The R olapXL Client software saves all R 0LAPXL-specific data in MS Excel workbook files. All R olapXL report files are therefore MS Excel workbook files. Running the R olapXL Report When the report MS Excel file has opened successfully you will find the report as it was last saved. If the report had been run in the past the retrieved data should still be visible on the worksheet. Running the report causes R olapXL to retrieve the requested data from the database. Any previously retrieved data are overwritten automatically with fresh data from the database. To Run a R olapXL Report Step 1. From the R olapXL menu choose Run Report. -or- Click on the Run Report button on the R olapXL toolbar. Note Depending on its size and complexity a R olapXL report may take anywhere between a few seconds to several minutes to complete. Printing a R olapXL Report Printing a R olapXL Report is no different from printing a MS Excel worksheet. To Print a R olapXL Report Step 1. From the MS Excel File menu choose Print. Step 2. Use the dialog box to select desired print settings. Step 3. Click on the OK button when done. Note Please refer to MS Excel user s manual for a comprehensive discussion of its printing features. Modifying a R olapXL Report A R olapXL report can be modified through any of the following actions Adding a new R olapXL or Derived column Moving or deleting an existing R olapXL or Derived column Assigning a new constraint Editing an existing constraint Rerunning