Điều này đề cập đến các tình tiết tăng nặng của tổn thương hiện có của mụn bằng cách rửa quá thường xuyên với xà phòng gây mụn và các loại khăn thô và các miếng đệm mài mòn. Nó chắc chắn có thể được kích thích, nhưng overwashing không gây ra mụn trứng cá. | 70 Part II Figuring Out Your Acne and How to Tackle It on Your Own aggravation of the existing lesions of acne or an inflammation of hair follicles known as folliculitis. Acne detergens This refers to the aggravation of the existing lesions of acne by too frequent washing with comedogenic soaps and rough cloths and abrasive pads. It certainly can be irritating but overwashing doesn t cause acne. Dioxins and Agent Orange chloracne Agent Orange an herbicide was used during the war in Vietnam. Some veterans reported a variety of health problems and concerns attributed to exposure to this agent including chloracne. Agent Orange contains dioxins halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons a group of chemicals known to increase the likelihood of cancer. The first disease associated with dioxins was the extreme skin disease chloracne. It causes acnelike pustules on the body that can and do last for several years and result in significant scarring. It develops a few months after swallowing inhaling or touching the responsible agent. Most cases are due to occupational exposure but it can also arise after accidental environmental poisoning. Deliberate dioxin poisoning is blamed for Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko s dramatically changed appearance during the Orange Revolution in 2004. Making Up and Breaking Out Makeup doesn t cause acne. Acne cosmetica see the related section earlier in the chapter is the traditional name for the type of acne that cosmetics supposedly cause. I realize that some reactions to cosmetics can sometimes look like inflammatory acne but it s really just your skin reacting negatively to one or more of the ingredients found in your makeup that makes already-existing acne get redder and look worse. And between you and me I don t believe that cosmetics have much to do in the development or worsening of acne There I ve said it. I generally tell my patients If you re happy with your cosmetics stay with them if you feel that your cosmetics are causing or .