Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care giúp cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức về ngành y học đề tài: Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a community-based intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European project: the IDEFICS intervention. | Verbestel et al. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2011 8 82 http content 8 1 82 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY RESEARCH Open Access Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a community-based intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European project the IDEFICS intervention or2 orhoc f ol 1Qfof22n Flo I Iot22i I A 2 I 02 K Ì2OC2 I oon I Doronc1 3 2FF2n l Ì2rilH4 F 2Kriolo FiktiOtiti5 I 21 irotiti I iccncir5 Veld verbestel Dteiddll De Hlcnduw Led Macs Lccn Hdeieiis Dtdlldll MdlllU Gdbrlele Elben Lduieil Llssner I I I I I- IV I f rz z 6 l I I I I r v ĩ Lrm I s6 rFi Ỉ r f ĩr o rl 7 I IXz v if Z 8 If If r-4- s 19 ft I I f I I fs r z I I r 10 LUIS A Moreno Ndtdlld LdSCOlZ rlducd Gldnvlncenzo Bdrbd tvd KOVdCS Kenn Konstdbel MlChdei lorndrms Kdthdrlnd Gdllols11 Holger Hdssel11 12 dnd Ilse De Bourdedudhulj1 Abstract Background The prevdlence of chlldhood obeslty hds lncredsed durlng the pdst decddes dnd ls now consldered dn urgent publlc hedlth problem. Although stdbílízlng trends ln obeslty prevdlence hdve been ldentlfled ln pdrts of Europe preventive efforts ln chlldren dre stlll needed. Uslng the soclo-ecologlcdl dpprodch ds the underlylng theoretlcdl perspectlve the IDEFICS project dlmed to develop lmplement dnd evdludte d communlty-bdsed lnterventlon for the preventlon of chlldhood obeslty ln elght Europedn countrles. The dlm of the present mdnuscrlpt wds to descrlbe the content dnd developmentdl process of the IDEFICS lnterventlon. Methods The lnterventlon mdpplng protocol IMP wds used to develop the communlty-bdsed lnterventlon for the preventlon of chlldhood obeslty ln 3 to 10 yedrs old chlldren. It ls d theory- dnd evldence-bdsed tool for the structured pldnnlng dnd development of hedlth promotlon programs thdt requlres the completlon of slx dlfferent steps. These steps were eldbordted by two coordlndtlng centers dnd dlscussed wlth the .