. Sau khi thiết kế được thành lập, truy cập cung cấp cho bạn ba cách để tạo ra một cơ sở dữ liệu mới Bắt đầu với Wizard Cơ sở dữ liệu Bắt đầu từ đầu với một cơ sở dữ liệu trống Bắt đầu từ Tạo một cơ sở dữ liệu với Cơ sở dữ liệu | CHAPTER 2 Create a Database 33 3. Carefully test the entire system. Time spent refining and verifying the design can save time revising the database after it has been populated with data. After the design is established Access gives you three ways to create a new database 2 Starting with the Database Wizard Starting from scratch with a blank database Starting from Windows Create a Database with the Database Wizard If you don t want to bother designing your own database and if you need a database for a common personal or business purpose the Database Wizard can get you started. Once you have built the database with the help of the wizard you can add your own data and make modifications to the queries forms and reports that came with the turnkey application. To start the Database Wizard do either of the following If you are just launching Access choose Create a New File in the Open section of the Getting Started task pane and then choose On My Computer in the Other Templates section of the New File Task pane. G K If you are already running Access whether you have another database active or not __ choose File New or click the New toolbar button then select from the New File Task __ pane as previously mentioned. The Templates dialog box has two tabs General and Databases. The General tab initially contains the Blank Database option a Blank Data Access Page template and two blank project templates one for an existing database and one for a new database. The Databases tab see Figure 2-3 contains ten database templates for prefabricated applications ranging from a list of categorized expenses to a complex event management system. You can also click the templates on to browse online templates. You can scroll through the sample templates on the Databases tab to find one close to the system you want. As you highlight each icon the Preview pane shows an image reflecting the template style. Looking through the icons it seems the Service Call Management database .