bạn có thể một cách rõ ràng kích thước bất kỳ biến nào đối tượng trong đó thư viện tham khảo. Các đối tượng mới mã hóa tính năng trợ giúp hiển thị các đối tượng có sẵn khi bạn gõ, như thể hiện trong hình 15-3. Ngoài ra,Phối hợp và Tích hợp với Office 2003 | 482 Part III Beyond Mastery Initiative within Office Figure 20-12 You can use a pivot table to summarize the sales data by month. Figure 20-13 shows part of a pivot table created from the data. Not surprisingly it looks exactly like the input data because the dates have not been grouped. To group the items by month right-click the Data heading and select Group and Show Detail Group. You ll see the Grouping dialog box shown in Figure 20-14. In versions prior to Excel 2002 the shortcut menu command is Group and Outline Group. Figure 20-13 The pivot table before grouping by month. Chapter 20 Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables in Excel 483 Figure 20-14 Use the Grouping dialog box to group items in a pivot table. In the list box select Months and Years and verify that the starting and ending dates are correct. Click OK. The Date items in the pivot table are grouped by years and by months as shown in Figure 20-15 . 3 sales by 1 2 A B c D z i 3 Sum of Sales 4 Years Date Total 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2001 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 22313 21 198 12 13 14 If 16 17 18 19 20 21 2002 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 23333 21 596 18 674 21375 21 456 22 Grand Total 23 M 4 H sheet 1X data bl ir Figure 20-15 The pivot table after grouping by month. Note If you select only Months in the Grouping list box months in different years combine together. For example the June item would display sales for both 2001 and 2002. 484 Part III Beyond Mastery Initiative within Office Copying a Pivot Table A pivot table is a special type of object and you cannot manipulate it as you may expect. For example you can t insert a new row or enter formulas within the pivot table. If you want to manipulate a pivot table in ways not normally permitted make a copy of it. To copy a pivot table select the table and choose Edit Copy. Then activate a new worksheet and choose Edit Paste Special. Select the Values option and click