để cung cấp cho chúng những cái tên để tránh nhầm lẫn về sau. Với xương được chọn, bạn có thể thay đổi tên của xương trong Chỉnh sửa các nút bảng điều khiển Bones Armature (Armature Bones bảng điều khiển trong các nút Chỉnh sửa). Tôi đã chọn các xương phía dưới và thay đổi tên spine1. Chọn mỗi xương khác | The armature now acts normally. Do the same thing for the other leg Select then shift-select . Add an IK constraint with Ctrl I . Change the ChainLen to 1. Test out the new knee bones by moving the spinel bone around especially down and back. Much better The armature now acts normally. Knees now behave properly when spinel is moved down and back. Eye tracking While we could rotate the eyes individually when animating it will be a lot easier to have them track an object. It s possible to have the eyes track any object but it will be easier to animate if we make that object a bone in the existing armature. In Pose mode clear the rotation and location of all bones. Switch to the armature s Edit mode. Select the head bone. Duplicate it with Shift D and move it in front of the head. Name the bone eyes or something meaningful. Make eyes a child of master. Note we didn t have to disconnect the bone this time a bone is automatically disconnected when it s duplicated from an existing bone. Move the bottom the root of the bone to eye level. The root of the bone is where the eyes will point to by the way you could switch to Octahedron draw type for the bones to better see where the root is . Press TAB to switch to Pose mode which is a substitute for Object mode and select the character s left eye. It may take a couple of attempts to select the eye instead of the body. You can always switch to Layer 2 with 2 to see just the eyes select the eye then return to view all layers . The eye mesh is in Object mode. Switch to the Object buttons in the Button window F7 . There is a Constraints panel here just like there was for the armature in Pose mode. In the Constraints panel add a Track To constraint. The eyes bone. Adjusted eyes bone. A Track To constraint added to the character s left eye in Object mode. We want to tell this constraint that we want it to point the eye at the eyes bone in the armature. We ll also have to tell it which axis of the eye should be .