và như vậy), mà có thể dẫn đến rất nhiều sự nhầm lẫn và khó khăn trong việc sử dụng cuộn. Hãy nhớ để thực hiện mẫu ngẫu nhiên của những người cùng độ tuổi, giới tính, nghề nghiệp, và do đó, bệnh nhân có thể được coi là "chữa khỏi" Cutler et al. | EXAMPLE IDENTIFICATION OF RISK FACTORS 41 Figure Curves of log log S t for the two hypertension groups. Table Significant Variables at Level Identified by Proportional Hazards Model Variable0 Regression Coefficient p Value Ward Test Relative Risk Ratio of Risk Favorable nfavorable Age Hypertension 1 yes 0 no Duration of diabetes Fasting plasma glucose bMi Proteinuria 1 yes 0 no Use of diuretics 1 yes 0 no Variables are listed in order of entry into model with a p-value limit for entry of . b Favorable categories are 40 years of age no hypertension duration of diabetes 5 years fasting plasma glucose 130mg dL BMI 35 no proteinuria and no diuretics use. Unfavorable categories are 60 years of age hypertensive duration of diabetes 14 years fasting plasma glucose 200mg dL BMI 25 having proteinuria and diuretics use. 42 EXAMPLES OF SURVIVAL DATA ANALYSIS developed the eye disease during the 10 to 16-year follow-up period average follow-up time years . Twelve potential factors assessed at time of baseline examination were examined by univariate and multivariate methods for their relationship to retinopathy RET age gender duration of diabetes DUR fasting plasma glucose GLU initial treatment TRT systolic SBP and diastolic blood pressure DBP body mass index BMI plasma cholesterol TC plasma triglyceride TG and presence of macrovascular disease LVD or renal disease RD . Table gives the data for the first 40 patients. Among other things the authors related these variables to the development of retinopathy. 1. Examine the individual relationship of each variable to the development of diabetic retinopathy. Table gives some summary statistics of the eight continuous variables for patients who have developed retinopathy and for those who have not. .