độc quyền, ngay cả khi nó là một cơ sở bán thời gian. Các bộ phận trong nhân sự tài trợ huấn luyện nội bộ thường hợp đồng và quản lý huấn luyện viên bên ngoài. Bằng cách đó, cả hai loại huấn luyện chuyên nghiệp có thể được phối hợp và bổ sung cho nhau. | 36 Executive Coaching exclusively even if it is on a part-time basis. The department within HR sponsoring internal coaching usually also contracts for and manages external coaches. That way both types of professional coaching can be coordinated and complement each other. In fact often the head of such activities spends some of his or her time as an internal coach. Internal coaching is just now emerging as a valuable HR offering and will continue to professionalize as time goes on. It is similar to more traditional external coaching in some ways but has important differences. It provides important value to employers and clients and is a positive additional service along with external coaching in full-service human resource environments. Benefits As organizations seek greater efficiency accountability and cost effectiveness there are some obvious benefits associated with an internal coaching capability. The per-assignment cost can be lower when there is a large enough number of assignments to justify the start-up costs. An obvious advantage is that an internal coach brings considerable knowledge of the company and may have access to a great deal of real-time information about the client. Also there can be greater flexibility in scheduling. Finally continuity may be more possible over a period of months or years. Although internal coaching is not likely to totally replace external coaching an appropriate mix of the two approaches seems to work well in many settings. Tradeoffs Some tradeoffs exist regarding the use of internal coaches. Organizational level is one of them in that sometimes the more senior-level clients want to receive their help from outside coaches. Confidentiality has to be considered differently when the coach is internal. Particularly complex or sensitive assignments will call for a coach with specialized experience that may not be available internally. How Do You Select a Coach 37 Clearly the internal coach should not be in the same chain of .