Measurement and Control Instrumentation Error-Modeled Performance Công nghệ hiện đại dựa chủ yếu vào khoa học về đo lường. Việc kiểm soát các quá trình công nghiệp và hệ thống tự động sẽ rất dif ® sùng bái mà không có phép đo cảm biến chính xác. Chức năng xử lý tín hiệu ngày càng được tích hợp trong cảm biến, và các mạng cảm biến kỹ thuật số trực tiếp tương thích với các đầu vào máy tính đang nổi lên. Tuy nhiên, đo lường là một khoa học không chính xác đòi hỏi việc sử dụng. | Chapter Measurement and Control Instrumentation Error-Modeled Performance Patrick H. Garrett University of Cincinnati Cincinnati Ohio INTRODUCTION Modern technology leans heavily on the science of measurement. The control of industrial processes and automated systems would be very difficult without accurate sensor measurements. Signal-processing functions increasingly are being integrated within sensors and digital sensor networks directly compatible with computer inputs are emerging. Nevertheless measurement is an inexact science requiring the use of reference standards and an understanding of the energy translations involved more directly as the need for accuracy increases. Seven descriptive parameters follow Accuracy the closeness with which a measurement approaches the true value of a measurand usually expressed as a percent of full scale. Error the deviation of a measurement from the true value of a measurand usually expressed as a precent of full scale. Tolerance allowable error deviation about a reference of interest. Precision an expression of a measurement over some span described by the number of significant figures available. Resolution an expression of the smallest quantity to which a quantity can be represented. Span an expression of the extent of a measurement between any two limits. A general convention is to provide sensor measurements in terms of signal amplitudes as a percent of full scale or FS where minimum-maximum values correspond to 0 to 100 FS. This range may correspond to analog signal levels between 0 and 10 V unipolar with full scale denoted as 10VFS. Alternatively a signal range may correspond to 50 FS with signal levels between 5V bipolar and full scale denoted at 5Vfs. INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIERS AND ERROR BUDGETS The acquisition of accurate measurement signals especially low-level signals in the presence of interference requires amplifier performance beyond the typical capabilities of operational amplifiers. An .