tài liệu tham khảo hạn Boolean thập phân, Float, Integer, text Image File văn bản dài văn bản dài và tóm tắt tài liệu tham khảo hạnHãy xem xét chi tiết hơn từng loại trường. Danh sách dài (văn bản) văn bản text Long và tài liệu tham khảo hạn tóm tắt văn bản | Chapter 5 After the comment section the template opens the div containing the node and prints any classes and attributes that have been defined for the node div id node- php print node- nid class php print classes clearfix php print attributes This procedure is similar to the Drupal 6 procedure except that the the classes variable is used rather than having the template attempt to determine the appropriate classes to display. Drupal 6 also used a clear-block class rather than the new clearfix class. Next the author s picture is displayed if it is set and any contextual links that were passed in are rendered php print user_picture php if page empty contextual_links php print render contextual_links php endif Since the user_picture variable has already been rendered in a template it is simply printed. The contextual links are new to Drupal 7. They are rendered after checking to ensure that they exist and should be printed. The template now prints the title of the page php if page h2 php print title_attributes a href php print node_url php print node_title a h2 php endif Again this code is very similar to the Drupal 6 code. The only real addition is the rendering of the title_attributes variable which allows you to add additional classes to the node title or add any other HTML attributes you might want. The next section of the template displays submission information if enabled as well as taxonomy terms. These are both wrapped within a meta div which the default Drupal 7 template ensures is not displayed when it is empty php if display_submitted empty content links terms div class meta php if display_submitted span class submitted php 153 Drupal 7 for Themers print t Submitted by lusername on Idatetime array username name Idatetime date span php endif php if lempty content links terms div class terms terms-inline php print render content links terms div php endif div php endif As mentioned earlier the submission information is no longer passed to the node template .