một bộ chuyển đổi tùy chỉnh sẽ cần phải được tạo ra nếu không có bộ chuyển đổi off-the-shelf là có sẵn. Lưu ý rằng trong hệ thống này, các đường ống dẫn gửi có trách nhiệm đóng gói các tin nhắn sang định dạng thích hợp của nó, thêm bất kỳ thông tin bảo mật như giấy chứng nhận kỹ thuật số, | CHAPTER 4 PIPELINING AND COMPONENTS 131 The solution to the problem is simple just write the value to the message context using code as shown in the following snippet. Note the format of the property name and the namespace. In order to be processed by the orchestration engine they must be named as follows Name The distinguished field location in XPath local-name PurchaseOrder and namespace-uri http local-name UnitPrice and namespace-uri Namespace URI http BizTalk 2003 btsDistinguishedFields BizTalk System Properties Namespace Private Const BTSFieldXPathLocation As String local-name PurchaseOrder _ and namespace-uri http local-name UnitPrice and _ namespace-uri Private Const BTSDistinguishedFieldsPropertiesNamespace As String _ http BizTalk 2003 btsDistinguishedFields Write a distinguished property BTSFieldXPathLocation _ BTSDistinguishedFieldsPropertiesNamespace 10 Checking for Schema Types in Components As was stated previously pipeline components that are expecting incoming documents to conform to a particular schema should do two things They should probe the incoming document and determine whether they can process it based on the schema s namespace and root node. They should allow the developer to choose the allowed incoming schemas at design time using the Pipeline Designer. Validating also called probing the message checks the incoming schema and simply indicates to the runtime that the component will be able to handle the schema essentially a Boolean value. Ensuring that components validate against the schema is critical as it often allows the same component code to be reused for multiple applications and also allows for per-instance pipeline configuration. This is done using the IProbeMessage interface. IProbeMessage The IProbeMessage interface has only one method Probe. This method checks whether the incoming message is in a recognizable format. The Probe .