Máy chủ đáp ứng một yêu cầu cho một tập hợp con của một tài nguyên (một yêu cầu với một tiêu đề Phạm vi) sử dụng một phần tình trạng 206 Nội dung khi họ chấp nhận yêu cầu và trả lại chỉ là tập hợp con yêu cầu. Phản ứng này cũng bao gồm một tiêu đề Content-Phạm | 122 HTTP Essentials message body. With a 205 Reset Content however the server directs the client to reset the document view that generated the request. Typically that s equivalent to the user clicking a Reset button on a Web form. 206 Partial Content Servers that respond to a request for a subset of a resource a request with a Range header use the 206 Partial Content status when they accept the request and return only the requested subset. The response also includes a Content-Range header to identify which parts of the resource are present in the response s message. Redirection 3xx Status codes from 300 to 399 tell the client that it needs to take further action to fulfill its request. Specifically the server asks the client to reissue its request but for a different URI. If there is only one alternative location available or if the server has a preference for one particular location among the alternatives the server includes the URI for that location in the Location header. Other alternatives may be listed in the message body. If the client s original request was a GET or HEAD the client can safely reissue the request to the indicated URI automatically without consulting the user. With other requests however there may be security implications and the client should first ask permission from the user. 300 Multiple Choices The 300 Multiple Choices status gives the client a list of alternative locations for the request. The server provides these in the response s message body and it may include one in a Location header. 301 Moved Permanently When a resource s URI has changed permanently the server may respond with a 301 Moved Permanently status. The HTTP Messages 123 client and any proxies should henceforth use the indicated uri for all future references to the resource. All of the other 3xx status codes represent temporary conditions. 302 Found The 302 Found status indicates that the resource has temporarily moved to a new location and the client should reissue