Quy mô giá trị thứ ba, phòng vệ, bao gồm 12 mô tả các thuộc tính không thường xuyên hoặc không chắc chắn tích cực ("con của tôi luôn luôn không anh / bài tập về nhà vào thời gian [thật].) Và 12 báo cáo đại diện từ chối các hành vi con chung và các vấn đề | 242 Psychological Assessment in Child Mental Health Settings The third validity scale Defensiveness includes 12 descriptions of infrequent or highly improbable positive attributes My child always does his her homework on time. True and 12 statements that represent the denial of common child behaviors and problems My child has some bad habits. False . Scale values above 59T suggest that significant problems may be minimized or denied on the PIC-2 profile. The PIC-2 manual provides interpretive guidelines for seven patterns of these three scales that classified virtually all cases in a study of 6 370 protocols. Personality Inventory for Youth The Personality Inventory for Youth PIY and the PIC-2 are closely related in that the majority of PIY items were derived from rewriting content-appropriate PIC items into a first- person format. As demonstrated in Table the PIY profile is very similar to the PIC-2 Standard Format profile. PIY scales were derived in an iterative fashion with 270 statements assigned to one of nine clinical scales and to three validity response scales Inconsistency Dissimulation Defensiveness . As in the PIC-2 each scale is further divided into two or three more homogenous subscales to facilitate interpretation. PIY materials include a reusable administration booklet and a separate answer sheet that can be scored by hand with templates processed by personal computer or mailed to the test publisher to obtain a narrative interpretive report profile and responses to a critical item list. PIY items were intentionally written at a low readability level and a low- to mid-fourthgrade reading comprehension level is adequate for understanding and responding to the PIY statements. When students have at least an age-9 working vocabulary but do not have a TABLE PIY Clinical Scales and Subscales and Selected Psychometric Performance SCALE or Subscale abbreviation Items a rtt Subscale Representative Item COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT COG 20 .74 .80 Poor .