Đầu tiên phản ánh một phong cách ích kỷ, ích kỷ giữa các cá nhân với các trội nguyên tắc của nó từ các hạng mục như có miệng lưởi / bề ngoài quyến rũ (0,86) cảm giác hoành tráng, giá trị bản thân (0,76) nằm bệnh lý, (0,62), conning / lôi cuốn (0,59 ), ảnh hưởng đến nông (0,57), không hối hận hay cảm giác tội lỗi | 374 Psychological Assessment in Correctional Settings two well-defined factors. The first reflects an egocentric selfish interpersonal style with its principle loadings from such items as glibness superficial charm .86 grandiose sense of self-worth .76 pathological lying .62 conning manipula-tive .59 shallow affect .57 lack of remorse or guilt .53 and callous lack of empathy .53 . The items loading on the second factor suggest the chronic antisocial behavior associated with psychopathy impulsivity .66 juvenile delinquency .59 and need for stimulation parasitic life style early behavior problems and lack of realistic goals all loading .56 Hare et al. . Some use the PCL-R to identify psychopaths although the conventional cutting score is 30 Meloy and Gacono 1995 recommend a cutting score of 33 for clinical purposes. Others treat the PCL-R as a scale and enter PCL-R scores into predictive equations. These differing practices reflect a fundamental disagreement about the nature of psychopathy that is is psychopathy a dimension of deviance or are psychopaths qualitatively different from other offenders A number of studies have shown that PCL-R scores correlate with recidivism in general and violent recidivism in particular. In their follow-up of 618 men discharged from a maximum security psychiatric institution Harris et al. 1993 reported that of all the variables they studied the PCL-R had the highest correlation .35 with violent recidivism and they included psychopathy as defined by PCL-R scores greater than 25 as a predictor in their VRAG. Rice and Harris 1997 reported the PCL-R was also associated with sexual reoffending by child molesters and rapists. Reviewing a number of empirical investigations both retrospective and prospective Hart 1996 reported that psychopaths as diagnosed by the PCL-R had higher rates of violence in the community and in institutions than nonpsychopaths and that psychopathy as measured by the PCL-R was predictive of violence after admission .