gốc bạn. Không có cần phải có được kích động. Sau khi đọc một câu hỏi mà bạn không thể trả lời, có một hơi thở sâu và nói, "Oh, đây là một câu hỏi mà tôi không biết, và bây giờ tôi phải đoán câu trả lời chính xác." Đi trước và được can đảm. | Chapter 21 Nerves of Steel 189 stump you. There is no need to get agitated. After reading a question that you can t answer take a deep breath and say Oh here is a question that I don t know and now I must guess the correct answer. Go ahead and be brave. Use your practiced exam technique of narrowing down the answer choices. Eliminating one or two of the answers will increase your chances of guessing the correct answer. If you are unable to eliminate any of the four answer options make an outright guess. Select your predetermined outright guess answer . when you don t know the answer select the second of the four choices . Don t waste time thinking about which answer option to select as an outright guess. Use the same answer choice each time as your guess response. Guess consistently and you will be correct some of the time. Don t panic when you open a simulation work tab and see a question that you know nothing about. Stay in control by first reflecting on your overall knowledge. Skim the question look for cues and clues that will jog your memory. Release tension by smiling and laughing quietly. Take a deep breath and say to yourself Oh here is a great question. Know that you should not be stumped because you used current study materials and spent time reviewing the material. If you are stumped it could indicate that the AICPA is pretesting a topical area in which you are unfamiliar. Remember that 20 of the multiple-choice questions represent pretest items that are not counted in your final score. If you studied and don t have the answers then those who did not devote time to studying are really clueless. Build yourself up. Suppress those negative feelings that focus on how tough the exam is. Feel good about the fact that you are here taking the exam. You are doing your best. Use that scratch paper. List some of the elements of the question. Jot down key concepts and formulas. Stare at the points you listed allowing a mental image to form in your brain. If you .