năm phút và so sánh nó với một dấu vết của một giờ hoặc một ngày , bạn sẽ nhận thấy là việc phân phối flattens như thời gian phát triển. Nói cách khác, nó sẽ hội tụ về một giá trị trung bình bởi vì một quá trình Poisson có một số tiền bằng chuyển động trở lên và xuống. | 212 THE FUTURE OF INTERNET CONGESTION CONTROL to a different ISP because their UDP-based application does not work anymore. If a large majority of applications use UDP instead of DCCP the latter loss may be quite significant. Thus an ISP might have to wait for DCCP to be used by applications before installing penalty boxes which in turn would motivate application designers to use DCCP - two parties waiting for each other and what have we learned from history Take a look at this paragraph about QoS deployment from RFC 2990 Huston 2000 No network operator will make the significant investment in deployment and support of distinguished service infrastructure unless there is a set of clients and applications available to make immediate use of such facilities. Clients will not make the investment in enhanced services unless they see performance gains in applications that are designed to take advantage of such enhanced services. No application designer will attempt to integrate service quality features into the application unless there is a model of operation supported by widespread deployment that makes the additional investment in application complexity worthwhile and clients who are willing to purchase such applications. With all parts of the deployment scenario waiting for the others to move widespread deployment of distinguished services may require some other external impetus. Will we also need such other external impetus for DCCP and what could it be Congestion control and QoS All the incentive-related problems discussed so far have one common reason implementing congestion control is expensive and its direct or indirect benefit to whoever implements it is unclear. Thus promoting a QoS oriented view of congestion control may be a reasonable albeit modest first step towards alleviating these issues. In other words the question what is the benefit for a single well-behaved application should be a central one. In order to answer it let us focus on the specific .