Mục tiêu của quá trình khu vực này và thực hành tốt nhất liên quan là: ✦ Mục tiêu 1 - hiệu quả các nhà cung cấp được lựa chọn và sử dụng. Xác định các thành phần hệ thống hoặc dịch Xác định các nhà cung cấp có thẩm quyền hoặc các nhà cung cấp. Chọn nhà cung cấp hoặc các nhà cung cấp sự mong đợi. | 814 Part III Appendices capability A protected identifier that both identifies the object and specifies the access rights allowed to the accessor who possesses the capability. In a capability-based system access to protected objects such as files is granted if the would-be accessor possesses a capability for the object. Capstone A Very Large Scale Integration VLSI chip that employs the Escrowed Encryption Standard and incorporates the Skipjack algorithm similar to the Clipper Chip. As such it has a Law Enforcement Access Field LEAF . Capstone also supports public key exchange and digital signatures. At this time Capstone products have their LEAF function suppressed and a certificate authority provides for key recovery. Carnivore A device used by the . FBI to monitor ISP traffic . Smith et. al. Independent Technical Review of the Carnivore System Draft report . Department of Justice Contract 00-C-328 IITRI CR-022-216 November 17 2000 . carrier current LAN A LAN that uses power lines within the facility as a medium for data transport. carrier sense multiple access CSMA The technique used to reduce transmission contention by listening for contention before transmitting. carrier sense multiple access collision detection CSMA CD The most common Ethernet cable access method. category A restrictive label that has been applied to classified or unclassified data as a means of increasing the protection of the data and further restricting its access. category 1 twisted pair wire Used for early analog telephone communications not suitable for data. category 2 twisted pair wire Rated for 4 Mbps and used in token ring networks. category 3 twisted pair wire Rated for 10 Mbps and used in 10Base-T Ethernet networks. category 4 twisted pair wire Rated for 16 Mbps and used in token ring networks. category 5 twisted pair wire Rated for 100 Mbps and used in 100BaseT Ethernet networks. CBC Cipher block chaining is an encryption mode of the Data Encryption .