một cách phổ biến cho các doanh nghiệp một cách nhanh chóng và tự động thực hiện các giao dịch kinh doanh dựa trên thực tiễn kinh doanh thông thường. Hình cho thấy một ví dụ về một kiến trúc ebXML trong sử dụng. Trong sơ đồ, công ty, xử lý thông tin kinh doanh và thực hiện chi tiết được tìm thấy trong registry ebXML, | Chapter 5 Table continued RSS IN XML RSS IN RDF link http article1 link dc description This articleeeplooes how the semantic web will change business. dc description dc publisher Super News Network dc puOlisher co name XM m co name co ma rketoN AS DAQ co m a rkee co symbol ONN Oco symbol item item rdf abouO http O article2 title SyndicaOionNopOrooursy title dc description Now the RSS format flip-floosOavecaustCstrifea d confusion ameng Oevelopers. dc description link http article2 7 link item rdf RDF The explicit expression of associations between entitiosienot available in XML documents and is therefore a major benefit of RDF. Twoapolicationp of RDF that stress association between entities are the Publi hingRoquirements for Industry Standard Metadata PRISM available at http and the Friend Of on Friend FOAFt weabularv available iHt http ooar . Whitewawill notgointo thedenaila oeeheie formats it isd couragi n thaiihe pt iicienoywrihRDFrsgtowmgtoihepoinr where compolling voca olaries M e i deseloped. We will close thia hectíon Od a po itive note be ossa we believe hnt RDF adoption will pick efoe jea eerbialChinesa bamboofreh1 ROTisa teehi nology that hap afong le Chmase bamb otreamusD be aulfivatehl and nourishadfotfopp ytaoswhhtn i iribl signr of ewafohowever in the first three mo fos of the fifth ya e rdo Cdi eea bgmboo itee will gioa 9h feet. The authors believaihar RDF swateri gane feefittzingdaobeeh ipthefo m hf mainstream addhfigdgfXMLaod n mespacns ndro fweprenow nterinh Understanding the Resource Description Framework 103 that growth phase of RDF. Here are the five primary reasons that RDF s adoption will grow Improved tutorials . Improvedtool support I mprovedXML Schsma integration Ontologies Noncontextual modeling Improved tutorialrlikethisbook thaW3C cRDsFrimer and resources on the Web fix the coIiiplexiic issue. Improved tool support for RDF editing visualizing .