Tuy nhiên, điều này trái mục đích của một công ty cố gắng để xử lý bất kỳ mục lỗi thời, bởi vì hệ thống sẽ sắp xếp lại những gì không còn cần thiết. Vì vậy, một kiểm soát tốt để kết hợp trong thủ tục bố trí hàng tồn kho lỗi thời một mục nói rằng lá cờ sắp xếp lại được tắt ngay sau khi một mục được tuyên bố trở nên lỗi thời. | Inventory Fraud I 65 The best way to spot a delayed backflush is to conduct an inventory count at the end of the reporting period during which any excessive book balances will be spotted and corrected with the adjustments being charged to the correct reporting period. However most companies do not count their inventories every month. Also a clever manager can sometimes convince auditors to conduct their inventory counts slightly in advance of or after the period end using roll-back or roll-forward calculations to verify balances these calculations can be off by small amounts which gives the manager sufficient room to delay a backflush and create a small change in the reported level of profitability. 4-19 Record the Cost of Customer-Owned Inventory If customers supply a company with some parts that are used when constructing products for them it becomes easy for this inventory to be mingled with the company s own inventory resulting in a false increase in its inventory valuation. This is especially common when the company maintains its own inventory of the same parts so that commingling is likely even without fraudulent intent. A good approach for ensuring that costs are not assigned to customer-owned inventory is to rigorously enforce the rule that no items are to be received into the warehouse without a purchase order which can be set up in advance with a zero cost by the purchasing staff. If a customer sends its inventory to the company without a purchase order authorization it will not be accepted. Also once the inventory is received the cycle counting staff may notice that there is no cost assigned to these parts and create one for them. To keep this from happening physically segregate the goods in a different part of the warehouse and make sure the entire warehouse staff knows what is located in that area. Also the internal audit team can periodically run a cycle counting report for the designated storage area and see if any items within it have been assigned