Quá trình khảo sát trang web cố gắng để mô tả một hiện tượng phức tạp (trong nhà tuyên truyền RF) bằng cách sử dụng một số lượng tương đối nhỏ của các điểm dữ liệu, và do đó một số các vấn đề tiềm năng. Những nên được giữ trong tâm trí khi thực hiện khảo sát | Installation Test Pitfalls The site survey process attempts to characterize a complicated phenomenon indoor RF propagation using a relatively small number of data points and is therefore subject to a number of potential issues. These should be kept in mind when performing the survey and interpreting the results. Firstly the placements of test APs significantly affect the quality of the results. As previously noted initial placements are based on installer guesswork experience and instinct. Repeating the site survey for different test AP placements can be very burdensome thus if an initial placement is barely adequate or tweakable there is frequently no effort put into changing the placements and redoing the survey. This hit-or-miss approach definitely does not provide an optimal solution - for example the output of the site survey may indicate that many more APs are required than originally expected. Secondly the survey process takes a long time and a great deal of manual effort. This produces significant possibilities for error as well as problems created by installers taking shortcuts or skipping measurements. Another issue is that the site survey is usually a one-time snapshot of conditions. It is quite laborious doing a single site survey requiring an installer to do several over the course of a day or a week is quite unreasonable However the actual indoor RF environment changes on an hour-by-hour and day-by-day basis according to workflow patterns and changes in the surroundings. Thus a considerable amount of margin has to be built into the results in order to deal with the variations. Also it is difficult to convert coverage and signal strength measurements made during the site survey process into true capacity and mutual interference figures the installer or tool has to estimate these figures based on empirical data supplied by the AP vendor as well as experience. This is because as noted above the test APs used as signal sources are only emitting .