Trong nhiều trường hợp, tự động điều chỉnh phạm vi nút truyền là không khả thi - ví dụ, bởi vì các bộ thu phát không dây không cho phép truyền tải điện năng được điều chỉnhMô tả tính CTR giúp các nhà thiết kế mạng để trả lời các câu hỏi cơ bản, chẳng hạn như: | 5th ACM MobiHoc - Tokyo May 24 2004 CTR motivations Why studying the CTR problem is important - In many situations dynamically adjusting the node transmitting range is not feasible - for instance because the wireless transceiver does not allow the transmit power to be adjusted Characterizing the CTR helps the network designer to answer fundamental questions such as - Given n which is the minimum value of the transmitting range that ensures connectivity - Given a transmitter technology how many nodes must be distributed in order to obtain a connected network Istituto di Informatica e Telematica the CTR 2 12 5th ACM MobiHoc - Tokyo May 24 2004 The longest MST edge Solving the CTR problem is easy if node positions are know the CTR is the longest edge of the Euclidean MST built on the nodes Istituto di Informatica e Telematica the CTR 3 12 5th ACM MobiHoc - Tokyo May 24 2004 CTR probabilistic approaches In many realistic scenarios node positions are not known in advance for instance sensors spread from a moving vehicle Probabilistic approaches nodes are distributed in R according to some distribution which is the value of r which guarantees connectivity with high probability . Remark In this context . means that the probability of connectivity converges to 1 as n grows Istituto di Informatica e Telematica the CTR 4 .