trên cơ sở nâng cao năng lực của chính phủ chủ nhà để cung cấp an ninh cho việc cài đặt dầu. Dầu sản xuất trong các tình huống xung đột vũ trang thường là những nơi đầu tư trong cách nguy hại và công ty vẫn còn ở lòng thương xót của sự cân bằng | on the grounds of improving the capacity of the host government to provide security for oil installations. Oil production in situations of armed conflict usually places investment in harms way and the company remains at the mercy of the shifting balance of military forces during the Oil production requires the investment and the guarantees contracts security etc. that only an alliance between oil companies and governments can provide. Most companies dependent upon the host government for concessions and protection find governments to be their natural allies Common accusations are that companies have allowed militaries to use airstrips helicopters roads and other oil company infrastructure for offensive military purposes. In some cases host governments even appear to be using oil company security as a cover for waging military campaigns against political or ethnic enemies. Some of the most serious accusations levelled against international oil companies have involved direct or indirect assistance in procuring weapons for host country governments and in some cases even for rebel groups. Fuelling Conflict 2002 . Thus the militarization of oil production in armed conflict is indirect. Companies may provide logistical or other support - usually to governments - but rebels or government troops are unlikely to be involved in the production of oil or even the management or oversight of production facilities. However military activity assures access to the resource through the control of territory provides security to the production processes and investments and enables local or regional marketing activities. In the diamond and timber industries the nature of the production process means that access to the resource and control of marketing routes are enough to make them a viable economic activity for rebels and government forces. The extraction of rough diamonds in armed conflict zones is often an informal affair run almost entirely by the military power in .