làm việc trên dây điện nhà của tôi của hoặc làm việc trên một ô tô cuối-mô hình với tất cả các dây phức tạp của nó và hệ thống an toàn . Nhưng đó là những gì cuốn sách này là: giúp bạn có được qua sự miễn là người duy nhất sử dụng máy tính của bạn? | Chapter 1 Understanding Virus Risks 15 I don t want you to feel bad if you re among what I suspect is the majority of computer users those who have never installed security patches. Had I chosen a different career path without much chance to get familiar with computers the thought of installing security patches would seem about as intimidating as working on my home s electrical wiring or working on a late-model automobile with all its complex wiring and safety systems. But that s what this book is for to help get you past the reluctance. How many people use the computer Are you the only person who uses your computer Or are several colleagues family members or gasp total strangers using your computer like so many people sharing a germ-infested bathroom water cup The greater the number of people using a computer the greater the chances are that something bad will happen. How do I know this When several people share a complex machine like a PC the inconsistencies in the ways that the people use the computer and the accumulation of every user s bad habits and mistakes can make the computer s condition deteriorate over time. How is your computer connected to the Internet While there are many ways to connect to the Internet I m concerned with just one factor Is your computer always on and connected through any sort of a broadband high-speed connection like DSL a cable modem ISDN or satellite Or do you use a dial-up phone-line connection to connect your computer to the Internet get your e-mail do a little surfing and then disconnect It boils down to this Is your computer always on and always connected to the Internet If so then your computer is far more likely to be targeted by Internet worms. Some hackers like to scan for and find new always-on computers. 16 Part I Evaluating Your Virus Situation They re looking for recruits to see whether they can add your system to their legion of slave computers. Let me explain this high-speed always-on thing a little more. If your .