Các mục tiêu của Springer International Series về những tiến bộ trong an ninh thông tin, một, thành lập nhà nước của nghệ thuật, và thiết lập quá trình nghiên cứu trong tương lai an ninh thông tin, và hai, để phục vụ như là một nguồn tài liệu tham khảo trung tâm để nâng cao | 506 Internet Engineering Task Force IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IETF LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 176 PKIX Working Group 277-279 WAP next standard research 60 Internet Information Services IIS logging procedures 231 Internet Key Exchange IKE protocol 180 225 294 Internet Message Access Protocol IMAP 208 Internet Protocol IP remote access 174 Internet Protocol Security IPsec 206 AH and ESP services 179-180 IKE Internet Key Exchange 180 NAT Network Address Translation 92 Network Monitor 225 OSI network layer 178-179 replay attacks 81 spoofing 80 VPNs virtual private networks 170 173-174 293-294 Internet Security and Accereration ISA 235-236 Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol ISAKMP 225 294 interprocess communication share IPC null sessions 78 intranets 90 intrusion-detection systems IDSs 194 201-202 active and passive 194 205 APIDSs application protocolbased IDSs 199 ARP poisoning 88 behavior-based 196-197 HIDS host-based IDSs 199-201 honeypots honeynets 201-202 incident handling 202-203 knowledge-based 195-196 NIDS network-based IDSs 197-201 versus NIPS network intrusionprevention system 201 IP Internet Protocol remote access 174 IP addresses classes 92-94 IPv6 93 NAT Network Address Translation 91-92 subnetting 92-94 IPC interprocess communication share null sessions 78 Ipconfig Ifconfig utilities 219 IPsec Internet Protocol Security 206 AH and ESP services 179-180 IKE Internet Key Exchange 180 NAT Network Address Translation 92 Network Monitor 225 OSI network layer 178-179 replay attacks 81 spoofing 80 VPNs virtual private networks 170 173-174 293-294 iris profile biometric authentication 154 IronKey 173 IRT Incident Response Team 332 507 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ISA Internet Security Associate and Accereration 235-236 ISAKMP Internet Security Associate and Key Management Protocol 225 294 ISNs initial sequence numbers hijacking 77 iStat nano 224 ITSEC Information Technology Security Evaluation .